Acupuncture Therapy AcupunctureTherapy Overview Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to balance energy flow (Qi). Key Procedures Meridian Points The body has specific points (meridians) where needles are inserted to stimulate energy flow and promote healing. Energy Balance Corrects imbalances in the body’s energy, which can cause various health issues. Conditions Treated Chronic pain (back, neck, and joint pain) Migraines and headaches Stress and anxiety Digestive disorders Allergies and asthma Benefits of Accupunture Therapy Pain relief Enhanced physical and emotional well-being Improved sleep quality Reduced stress and anxiety Better overall health and vitality Acupuncture at Gautamvyasa Naturopathy Center relieved my chronic back pain. The results were amazing! Vijay RanaPatient Schedule a consultation with our expert doctors now Book Consultation